Author: leigh

Howard channels Pig-Iron Bob

March 29, 2006 Off

Howard’s desire to sell uranium to China has significant reminiscences of Robert “Pig-Iron Bob” Menzies selling iron-ore to the Japanese totalitarian empire while it was engaging in human rights abuses in Nanking, China in the 1933 invasion of Manchuria.

By leigh

Listening Experiments

March 24, 2006 Off

A project I’ve been involved with at the Music Cognition Group of the UvA is an online experiment into the ability of listeners to discriminate timing and tempo changes in Classical, Jazz and Rock music.

By leigh

The Cost of Globalisation: McJobs

March 13, 2006 Off

Straight from the mouth of corporate America and using the U.S. Federal government statistics higher educated wages are falling, while lower skilled jobs wages (“McJobs”) are actually increasing in the U.S. As the article itself posits, it could be a statistical anomaly, or it could be the result of outsourcing as a result of globalisation…

By leigh


March 2, 2006 Off

As the debate rages over whether to fund Hamas, “a democratically elected terrorist organization”, it’s worth considering how the claim of the state of Israel and it’s terrorist group, the Ergun, responsible for bombing British hotels in Palestine in 1946, were allowed to be legitimate.

By leigh

Cruel and Degrading Treatment

February 9, 2006 Off

The report in the New York Times of the force-feeding of detainees at Guantanamo Bay is harrowing. The use of restraints and force feeding is undeniably cruel and degrading treatment. While there is some partial acknowledgment that the inmates of Guantanamo bay were far from known militants:

By leigh


February 4, 2006 Off

I’ve been following the press releases of Australian Greens Senator from Tasmania, Dr. Bob Brown for some time. I was delighted to find he is now podcasting, calling in on his mobile phone about his position on issues, called, appropriately enough, Bobcasting. You can find his links also on the iTunes podcast directory.

By leigh

The Thummer

December 26, 2005 Off

A project on which I worked for much of 2005 was The Thummer, an innovative musical keyboard which I’m very pleased to see has now reached public release. In particular, their video news release is well worth viewing.

By leigh

Letter sent to the Singaporean Prime Minister’s office

November 21, 2005 Off

I beg you to show clemency to Nguyen Tuong Van, who has rightly been found guilty of drug trafficking. A long period of inprisonment would maintain a strong deterrent against narcotics trafficking and yet produce a future citizen of worth. I understand the firm stand Singapore takes on drug trafficking and support firm but humane…

By leigh