Allegations the Iraqi PM Executed Prisoners
July 16, 2004The Australian Broadcasting Commission is reporting an alleged story to appear in the Sydney Morning Herald that the unelected interim Prime Minister Iyad Allawi executed six prisoners on the weekend of June 19th, just prior to the handover and dissolution of the CPA.
My Letter to Reuters
July 10, 2004I am writing to complain of the apparent blatant lying by Michael Perry in his Reuters report “Australia stands by Iraq war” Sat 10 July, 2004 09:31 Perry makes the statements: “A U.S. Senate committee report said on Friday that American intelligence agencies had overstated the threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, relied on…
Allegations of Child Abuse by Coalition Forces
July 10, 2004According to an english translation of a report in Der Spiegel, the International Red Cross and UNICEF have alleged detention and abuse of children in Iraq including in Abu Ghraib prison.
The Complexities of the U.S. Presidential Voting System
July 10, 2004Since the electoral college is the final body to elect the president of the United States, not the citizenry directly, electoral-vote is a site that provides daily updates as to how electoral votes will be distributed. This is the vote that is really going to count.
…Then They Came After Artists
July 8, 2004First they came after the Socialists, then they came after the Blacks, then they came after the Immigrants, then they came after the Academics, then they came after the Artists…when is it our turn?
Brown-nosing on Aussie Bases, Star Wars and Iraq Policy
July 8, 2004The Bush-house attempts to lecture Australia on it’s foreign policy have resulted in some admirably straightforward retorts coming from a revered source of invective at the centre of Australian politics (Paul “scumbags!” Keating). Following his lead, Mal Fraser, no progressive in his day (engineering to his benefit the undemocratic deposing of the Whitlam government) has…
Running the Blockade of Cuba
July 8, 2004Associated Press is reporting that a convoy of medical supplies has crossed into Mexico from Texas with Cuba as the final destination. In a spirited display of non-violent dissent, principled clerics are refusing to believe the lies perpetrated by successive U.S. governments and are putting people before warped ideology.
Further Evidence Israelis Were Involved in Prisoner Torture
July 4, 2004According to the BBC and The Santa Clarita Signal in interviewing Janis Karpinski, Israeli intelligence agents were involved in interrogating and torturing prisoners at Abu Ghraib.
Pentagon Cuts and Runs When It Doesn’t Get Preferenial Treatment
July 3, 2004The Pentagon announced it will be removing some of it’s troops from overseas peacekeeping missions now that its unique immunity from prosecution for war-crimes had expired.