A deeper reading of Farenheit 9/11
July 3, 2004Like Oliver Stone’s film J.F.K, Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 is rapidly becoming the canon for explaning recent U.S. domestic and foreign policy and it’s outcomes. Stephen Rosenthal and Junaid Ahmad’s review of the film investigates deeper, showing Moore to be selective in his damnation, accurately criticising Republican policy while being silent on the equally immoral…
Jon Stewart video on 9/11, Cheney, Rumsfeld
June 29, 2004Discourse has a link to Jon Stewart’s debunking of the statements of the VP & Rumsfeld – it’s hilarious.
Majority of Israelis Think Like Nazis
June 25, 2004Sad but true according to Ha’aretz (courtesy of the Angry Arab Blog). Scapegoating, advocating expulsion of Arab citizens, stripping of citizenship, construction of ghettos and bantustans, and the quest for “living space”: the victims have become the victimisers.
Watchdog sues Ashcroft in Sibel Edmonds Cover-up
June 24, 2004The Project on Government Oversight is sueing against the Justice Department’s attempt to reclassify letters and other documentation which have previously been made public concerning the whistle-blower Sibel Edmonds.
The Cockroaches Scatter
June 23, 2004Caught in the spotlight, the cockroaches of the current U.S. justice department have begun to scatter, issuing statements that the Gonzales August 2002 legal memo arguing methods to dodge prohibition of aggressive interrogation tactics would be reviewed. So lets be clear, it has taken nearly two years of this memo being in operation (or at…
Questions Not Asked of Slick Willy
June 21, 2004With all of the hoopla over the release of Clintons book, and the sycophantic interview with the liar Dan Rather (“President Clinton points out that when Hussein kicked U.N. weapons inspectors out of Iraq in 1998, he ordered a four-day bombing raid, but was unable to find out how many if any chemical and biological…
Cole on the Future of Iraq
June 20, 2004An excellent interview with Juan Cole at Asia Times gives some very thoughtful reasoning on Iraq’s and the U.S. presidential futures.
Australian Government Knew of Abuse of Prisoners in June ’03
June 18, 2004Twenty five Australian military reports have been tabled in the Australian federal parliament that the defence minister knew of prisoner abuse in June of 2003, contradicting several statements by the minister. This could also lead to the prime-minister who has claimed he only knew of prisoner abuse when the photographs of Abu Ghraib were revealed.…
Caterpillar Kills Palestinians
June 17, 2004Stop Cat and catdestroyshomes.org is a movement to highlight the use of Caterpillar D-9 and D-10 armoured bulldozers by the Israeli occupation forces to destroy the homes of Palestinians. This has resulted in over 1000 homes being destroyed and several deaths, including that of a U.S.