Al-Qaeda’s Computers
August 14, 2004The Atlantic has a report by Alan Cullison describing the contents of a computer stolen from Al-Qaeda’s office in Kabul, including emails by Bin Laden. It provides an insight into the daily operations of the organisation.
A War Profiteers “Line-Up”
August 12, 2004Courtesy of War in Context, the Center for Public Integrity has a very detailed report on those corporations most benefiting from post-war contracts. Interesting to note the second highest earning contractor, Parson’s Corporation, well behind Kellogg Brown and Root, who “just happen” to be the subsidiary of Halliburton, VP Cheney’s company (who still pays him).
Popular Support for Venezuela’s Chavez
August 10, 2004President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez is facing a referendum on his presidency on August 15th. Chavez has already fought off one coup attempt (see the documentary The Revolution Will Not Be Televised) by the corporatist opposition who bought the referendum, using falsified signatures on the petition.
Bravest Lady in America Speaks Truth to Power
August 6, 2004Sibel Edmonds tells it like it is to the 9/11 whitewash commission. Her charges are detailed and specific, naming names and referring to significant claims that she testified to the 9/11 commission that are not reported in the commissions findings. This is purposeful suppression, her claims should have at least been reported and addressed in…
Socially Active Architects
August 3, 2004Wired has an interesting article on an architectural design competition for a women’s soccer stadium in South Africa as part of a health care project to combat AIDS.
Opposing the Australian Free Trade Agreement
August 2, 2004Reading the U.S. Senate Congressional Record of the U.S. Senate approval of the Australian free trade agreement (H.R. 4759), reveals some of the positions of the U.S.
Veggie Cars
July 30, 2004My next car (if I ever have to buy one again, one of the joys of living in New York city) is going to run on vegetable oil. Greasel has more how-to information. Wired has an article on the appearance of advocates for biodiesel at the Democratic National Convention.
Woodys Legacy
July 24, 2004Reinterpreting Woody Guthries “This Land”, courtesy of JibJab with more than a touch of South Park influence. Hilarious.
Shut Down Fox News!
July 21, 2004While none of the corporate media deserve any kudos for their coverage (perhaps the Knight-Ridder print corporation for actually giving some coverage to doubts) of the war, there is one particularly egregious example of a fascist leaning U.S. propaganda machine. Fox News Channel, part of Newscorp, owned by the ex-Australian (he became a U.S. citizen…
Confirmation of the Office of Special Plans Operation
July 19, 2004A Mother Jones contributor has a nice blog noting more evidence supporting the Office of Special Plans set up by Douglas Feith at the Pentagon did an end run behind CIA assessments to get claims of biological weapons trailers into the Bush 2003 State of the Union speech.