Category: Politics

Political positions, or information related to world politics

Australian Government Knew of Abuse of Prisoners in June ’03

June 18, 2004 Off

Twenty five Australian military reports have been tabled in the Australian federal parliament that the defence minister knew of prisoner abuse in June of 2003, contradicting several statements by the minister. This could also lead to the prime-minister who has claimed he only knew of prisoner abuse when the photographs of Abu Ghraib were revealed.…

By leigh

Caterpillar Kills Palestinians

June 17, 2004 Off

Stop Cat and is a movement to highlight the use of Caterpillar D-9 and D-10 armoured bulldozers by the Israeli occupation forces to destroy the homes of Palestinians. This has resulted in over 1000 homes being destroyed and several deaths, including that of a U.S.

By leigh

Human Rights Watch Film Festival

June 16, 2004 Off

The Human Rights Watch Film Festival is currently running in New York. One I recommend is Persons of Interest which interviews a number of the 5000 persons detained by the U.S. government and held without charge due to their Arabic/South Asian backgrounds.

By leigh

Intelligence Turf Wars

June 15, 2004 Off

Salon has an interesting, though certainly conjectural article on a conflict between the CIA and the Pentagon. In particular, it provides an hypothesis as to the curious timing of the departure of George Tenet, the Director of Central intelligence too close to the election to install a new Czar.

By leigh

The Effluent Keeps Floating to the Top

June 9, 2004 Off

The Centre for Constitutional Rights has the memo implicating the cabinet of the Bush administration in planning to torture prisoners. The Project to Enforce the Geneva Conventions has reproduced the Wall Street Journal article. Methinks he doth protest too much.

By leigh