Category: Politics

Political positions, or information related to world politics

The Bush-house in a Nutshell

May 21, 2004 Off

I struggle to sum up the Bush administrations behaviour any more succinctly than this It is a pattern of wishful thinking, blinding moral outrage, willful ignorance of foreign cultures, a naive faith in American triumphalism, a contempt for the messy compromises of diplomacy, and a knee-jerk refusal to do anything the way the Clinton administration…

By leigh

Bush’s Christian Zionist Polity

May 19, 2004 Off

Further confirmation that the Bush-house policy is beholden to apocalyptic Christians. Note that the NSC Near East and North African Affairs director Elliott Abrams was convicted of masterminding the illegal Iran-Contra scandal and only escaped jail because of Bush I’s pardon.

By leigh

Right of Return

May 14, 2004 Off

After the Bush administration revealed it’s full credentials to be the U.S. wing of the Likud party in cancelling the historic U.S. policy towards the Israel/Palestine issue, and attempting to condone occupation of the West Bank, the condemnation has been widespread, although downplayed within the U.S by the jellyfish.

By leigh

Sex for Money

May 12, 2004 Off

A central tenet of the ideology of the Nazi party was the role of the family. The structure of social control in Nazi Germany was an aggregation of social groups, with the basic “building block” being the nuclear family: Mum, Dad, the kids. Any role outside of that family group therefore represented a threat, hence…

By leigh

My letter to Rush

May 8, 2004 Off

This is what I wrote to Rush Limbaugh ( the least I can do is inflict more spam mail on him): I’m proud to say I’ve never listened to your show and never intend to. However, I read transcripts of your comments attempting to equate the torture of prisoners by U.S. military with college pranks:

By leigh

The Giant Jellyfish and the Ghoul

May 8, 2004 Off

While its encouraging to see some spine developing in the giant jellyfish that is the corporate media, there is severely inconsistent coverage of the torture scandal and many questions only really asked by a few informed commentators. Evidence of the use of torture by the U.S military are not new, as I previously noted.

By leigh

The Cost

April 30, 2004 Off

While the neocons pat themselves on the back for finally settling on an excuse (regime change) to have invaded Iraq, there are now appearing sites which illustrate some of the cost of this insane expedition. Don’t expect the corporate media to print any of these, the mandarins learnt their lessons from the Vietnam and Falklands…

By leigh

World Tribunal on Iraq

April 26, 2004 Off

On May 8th, the World Tribunal on Iraq is holding it’s hearings in New York. This is a world wide tribunal to consider the actions of the U.S. and it’s allies in the C.P.A in the illegal invasion of Iraq as crimes against humanity. The principle human rights violation of crime against the peace was…

By leigh