Category: Politics

Political positions, or information related to world politics

Afghan Women

April 22, 2004 Off

Lest we all adopt the “don’t worry, be happy” attitude of the Bush administration towards Afghanistan, post U.S. invasion of that country, the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan illuminates the continuing plight of the women of that country.

By leigh

Iraq’s Oil Wars

April 21, 2004 Off

A well written summary of Iraq’s military history and the impact of oil influence and control. Particularly revealing for me was the degree of influence BP has on the Blair government, while we’re all well aware of the influence oil companies have on the Bush government.

By leigh

Blowback Alert

April 17, 2004 Off

So now the Bush Admin has realised no country that forms it’s foreign policy in some consultation with its citizens wants to engage in illegal occupations, there is a need to draft further peace-keepers. In classically racist fashion, the Bush administration is targetting African countries to receive funding to train and provide “peacekeepers”. This is…

By leigh

Withholding War Taxes

April 9, 2004 Off

Since the tax day in the U.S. is due, I found a good guide to withholding taxes which are used to fund the current illegal war against Iraq. I found this on the Iraq Peace Team web site, part of the Voices in the Wilderness organisation. At the moment I’m following the fourth recommendation, earn…

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Balance of Trade in Advanced Technologies

April 3, 2004 Off

I’ve been reading Emmanuel Todd’s “After The Empire”, in which he references the Census bureau statistics on balance of trade in advanced technologies. The numbers speak for themselves, the U.S. is importing more advanced technologies than it is exporting, consistently, since 2001. This is less an indictment of the Bush administration specifically and more a…

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April 1, 2004 Off

The conflict in Aceh, Indonesia does not get much coverage in the U.S, and only passing commentary in Australia, mostly by the leftist press, such as the Green Left Weekly. I blogged on No Data Source in July last year how the situation in Aceh has progressed:

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