Category: Politics

Political positions, or information related to world politics

Tsunami used to repress Acehnese

January 13, 2005 Off

The entire tsunami disaster was a preventable catastrophe, if some of the money spent on military invasions by rich nations had been spent on extending the Pacific ocean tsunami warning network to the Indian ocean, the loss of life would have been reduced many-fold.

By leigh

Tsunami Relief Donations

December 28, 2004 Off

While everyone is still recovering from holiday overeating and abundance, now’s the time to donate to support the victims of the Bengal Bay Tsunami disaster. I donated online at the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. Other organisations are probably also accepting donations to aid that disaster.

By leigh

David Hicks Details His Abuse By U.S. Military

December 12, 2004 Off

David Hicks, one of the Australian citizens held in Guantanamo Bay against the Geneva Conventions has finally been able to make a sworn statement of the abuse he has suffered at the hands of the U.S. military. Available as a PDF (from the amazing Project to Enforce the Geneva Conventions, a one man effort to…

By leigh

It’s the Wealth

November 16, 2004 Off

An article by Rick Perlstein in last weeks Village Voice is worth reading to dispell the notion that it was “moral values” that bought Bush the election. According to Perlstein and the Polysigh blog, it seems that religious voters did not turnout in significantly greater numbers for the 2004 election and then vote for Bush.

By leigh

Fallujah, the First Victim of the Second Term

November 12, 2004 Off

The images shown via the BBC (among others) of rampant bulldozing of houses in Fallujah using armoured vehicles is eerily familiar of the illegal collective punishment of Palestinian civilians by the Israeli Defence force using Caterpillar bulldozers. As noted by Mark LeVine, the ideology of Israel and the U.S. has converged.

By leigh