Category: Politics

Political positions, or information related to world politics

So Much For Honour Among Capitalists

November 8, 2004 Off

As the shock begins to recede, significant questions as to the democratic character of the U.S. election persist. One characteristic that stands out clearly is that nearly no-one has heeded Kerry’s call for everyone to kiss, make-up and somehow accept Bush’s immoral administration.

By leigh

U.S Conservatism as Proto-Fascism

November 1, 2004 Off

Orcinus has a well reasoned comparison of the behaviour of the U.S. conservative movement manifesting itself in the U.S. Republican party, the Christian fundamentalist movement, right-wing media, and more extreme racist groups to behaviour displayed by historical fascist states (Germany under Hitler, Italy under Mussolini, Spain under Franco).

By leigh


October 25, 2004 Off

The heat is starting to get turned up on Douglas Feith, the creator of the Office of Special Plans, the lie factory created to funnel bogus Iraqi WMD intel into the whitehouse behind the CIA, using the office of the Vice-President (via Lewis Libby, Cheney’s aid). Further confirmation of the OSP is here.

By leigh

Gaza Hell

October 18, 2004 Off

An eye-witness report of the brutality of the Israeli Defence Forces in the Gaza strip, in particular the assault of the Jabalya refugee camp is devastating reading. Once again the number of Palestinians (the majority of which are civilians including women and children) vastly exceeds the abominable killings of Israeli civilians using home made rockets…

By leigh

U.S. as Oil Policeman

October 17, 2004 Off

An excellent article by Michael Klare, Hampshire College professor of peace and world security studies, highlights the degree to which the U.S. military now fulfils the role of security guard, guarding the world oil pipelines in the Central Asian republics, Latin America and Iraq as it continues to increase it’s dependence on imported oil.

By leigh