One day of questioning?
October 15, 2005(Letter sent to the West Australian Newspaper) With Prime Minister Howards proposed “anti-terror” legislation, if I point out the unfashionable truth that it is legal under the U.N. charter (which Australia signed) for Iraqi’s to militarily resist the colonial occupation of their country by the U.S., Britain and Australia, that view is now “urging a…
Louisiana Wetlands Conservation
October 5, 2005I visited New Orleans in 2003 for Mardi-gras, and just recently was sent pictures of some of the destruction of my friends houses there from Hurricane Katrina. I’ve been following (quietly admittedly, I’m exhibiting Blogger Burnout due to “real” workload) the fall-out from the disaster.
Bigger Than The Oil-For-Food Scandal
September 19, 2005Juan Cole makes the perceptive point the breaking scandal that over USD$1 billion has been stolen from the Iraq military is a bigger scandal than Saddam’s oil for food corruption.
Iraq, in Print and Film
July 2, 2005An acerbic, excellent critique of Iraq war coverage by Gary Kamiya is worth reading. I’m in the middle of the Revelation 8: Perth international film festival, which includes a devastingly good movie about Iraq by an Aussie director made before, during and after the invasion: In The Shadow Of the Palms. I was literally crying…
Sibel Edmonds – Gagged, But Not Dead
May 15, 2005Sibel Edmonds, the FBI translator who blew the whistle on the FBI, reporting that warnings of 9/11 attacks using airplanes as weapons were mistranslated continues to fight on.
Palast on Bush: Impeach Him!
May 12, 2005As BBC investigative journalist Greg Palast has commented, the leaked memo from Tony Blair’s cabinet is a damning indictment of the perversion of the truth by the Bush administration to wage war against Iraq. It couldn’t be more plainly told: “the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy (of invading Iraq)”.