Oil and Sustainable Energy alternatives
April 9, 2005The Australian Treasury Minister, Peter Costello, openly admitted the likelihood of Australia becoming substantially dependent on imported oil in the next 10 years. The need for replacement of oil with sustainable energy sources has now become alarmingly imperative.
Abodes and Parrots
March 7, 2005Another hectic week. I’ve now transferred from my initial landing spot in North Bondi to a permanent (hopefully) abode in Chippendale, quite close to Sydney’s central business district. It’s a terrace house, a popular style of two story building dating at least to the start of last century, although most buildings are probably mid-30s.
Australian Worker Shortage Feared
February 21, 2005I’ve just relocated back to Australia, to Sydney, after six years in New York (hence the break in transmission since the last post). I’ve started a photo-blog for my non-Aus friends who haven’t seen much of Sydney. Given a choice, I would have preferred to stay in the U.S. due to all the wonderful, intelligent…
February 19, 2005Phew, a few days of flights, interrupted sleep, meeting people, beers, intermittent net connections, NYC work issues, Medicare cards, phone cards, resume updates and job applications conspired to keep me incognito. This blog is an attempt to plug that dark hole all my time seems to disappear down…
Necessary, But Not Sufficient
January 30, 2005The reports from newswires indicate that despite the bloodshed, the Iraqi population has voted in higher numbers than expected.
Bush’s Man thinks Climate Change is Real and Disasterous
January 25, 2005In a rare display of independent thinking for a minion of the Bush administration, the chairman of the official Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change urgently warned that climate change was real and the window of time to address the issue was rapidly closing. Dr Rajendra Pachauri was installed by the Bush-house to replace (at the…
Selected On-line Aceh Resources
January 24, 2005East Timor Action Network An online English language Indonesian news service covering Aceh Free Aceh Movement also known by it’s Acehnese acronym GAM. Blogpulse listings on Aceh
First they come after Commies, Towel-heads, Homo’s, and then the Sponge?
January 20, 2005Don’t let anyone tell you the rightwing conspiracy (as named by Mrs insider herself, Hillary Clinton) have their brains in the right place. It seems the scapegoating has gone a little, err off-track.
Tsunami used to repress Acehnese
January 13, 2005The entire tsunami disaster was a preventable catastrophe, if some of the money spent on military invasions by rich nations had been spent on extending the Pacific ocean tsunami warning network to the Indian ocean, the loss of life would have been reduced many-fold.
Tsunami Relief Donations
December 28, 2004While everyone is still recovering from holiday overeating and abundance, now’s the time to donate to support the victims of the Bengal Bay Tsunami disaster. I donated online at the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. Other organisations are probably also accepting donations to aid that disaster.