
December 22, 2008 Off

I’ve now moved to a drupal based web site and so this is the last message on this feed. From now on, all new messages will be from, or just visit for the link.

By leigh

EmCAP showcase now available

December 22, 2008 Off

The previous project I was working on at the Uni of Amsterdam, EmCAP, has a showcase of the work that each of the academic partners contributed. My computational model of representation of musical rhythm, written in Common Lisp is now available.

By leigh

Welcome to my new website

December 20, 2008 Off

It’s well past the time for a major rethink of my site. I’ve decided to use drupal which Jill and I have successfully been using over at, and version 6 looks to be quite a nice upgrade from version 5. Eventually most of the content will be converted over to the new site and…

By leigh

Recommendations for Obama’s cabinet (guest blog)

November 9, 2008 Off

Dear President-elect Obama, Please think big when it comes time to choose your cabinet. You campaigned on change, and that is what your constituents are expecting. This list of recommendations is designed to reflect racial and gender diversity, recognize those who have served in the name of change, and those who clearly wish to have…

By leigh

Japanese Whale Killers Set Sail

November 20, 2007 Off

It seems indicative of a return of Japanese rising nationalism and imperialism for the country to be throwing off it’s obligations to conform to world law and instead throw a sop to it’s politically powerful fishing industry and nationalist sentiments.

By leigh

It’s all about the Oil

March 1, 2007 Off

If you’ve been living under a rock, or worse, subscribing to the bogus claims of the Bush administration to be bringing democracy to Iraq, the recently leaked legislation for Iraq’s oil (written by U.S. consultants in English and then translated) should prove the popular claim that Iraq was invaded to seize control of it’s oil…

By leigh

Iranian kidnappings, the new Gulf of Tonkin?

February 12, 2007 Off

William Clark presciently addressed reasons for the Bush administrations drive to invade Iraq in 2002. He hypothesised the preservation of the petrodollar as the monopoly oil reserve currency as the real (under-reported) reason to invade Iraq (since Saddam in Nov 2000 changed to selling his oil in Euros). Clark recently released a new article that…

By leigh

Broken Moral Contract

November 25, 2006 Off

Peter Tinley, lead tactical planner for Australia’s SAS special forces in the US has spoken out against the Howard governments intentions in helping to invade and occupy Iraq. He made a stunning admission:

By leigh